Occupational Therapist, infant development and feeding specialist.  Nat provides virtual consultations that provide valuable training to parents to establish successful feeding and movement patterns.
Clinic based feeding therapy services in Lake Forest and Anaheim Hills with Speech Language Pathologists and Occupational Therapists trained to assess and treat infants and toddlers with feeding difficulties.
Leora Robles is a board certified lactation consultant with experience working with babies with tongue and lip ties. Â She is located in Mission Viejo with Dr. Danielle Calahan (see below).
Dani Calahan is a chiropractor located in Mission Viejo who specializes in treating Moms and babies and works closely with several local frenectomy providers to provide bodywork for babies pre- and post tongue tie release.
Dr. Marielly Mitchell OTRL provides virtual occupational therapy for infants and children with a focus on repatterining cranial nerves to optimize breathing and feeding.